Democracy Video Challenge 2010


What is democracy? If nothing else, it’s a question that can inspire many hours of ideas and conversation, and even a video competition. Democracy Video Challenge 2010 is a global video competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of State that asks people worldwide to share their thoughts on democracy by completing the phrase, “Democracy is….”

Several Israelis stepped up to the challenge and created videos expressing their views on democracy. One of these entries, “Democracy is Freedom of Speech,” has made it to the finals – check it out:

The Israeli video is one of 18 entries chosen to advance to the final stage of the competition, along with videos from: Burundi, Ethiopia, South Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Azerbaijan, Poland, Spain, Algeria, Iran, Nepal, Pakistan, Colombia and the United States. Six winners, one from each geographic region of the world, will receive an all-expense-paid trip to Los Angeles, New York and Washington, DC in September.

How the winner be selected? By the very democratic process of online votes! Anyone can enter the Democracy Video Challenge site and vote for their favorite videos until midnight GMT on June 15, 2010. Want to express your own ideas on democracy? Create your own video for next year’s competition, and in the meantime – VOTE!


  1. Ayelet,
    Thanks so much for this posting and for your support of the Democracy Video Challenge 2010!
    It’s important to mention that while there are 18 videos competing in the final stage of the global competition, the Israeli entry is really competing only against the videos from Iran and Algeria – since one of those three videos will be chosen as the winner representing the Near East region of the world.
    As you mentioned, the Democracy Video Challenge is a US Department of State-sponsored project and we are so proud that an entry from Israel has advanced to the final stage of competition. We hope the Challenge will serve as a vehicle for the people of Israel, Iran, Algeria, and the world to engage in a stimulating discussion on democracy.
    We encourage all Israelis to go on-line and make “their” entry a global winner by voting at

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