Sidewalks of Heaven in Tel Aviv

Harav Tomer and Libi/Photo: Ayelet Dekel
Harav Tomer and Libi/Photo: Ayelet Dekel

Music reaches out to us, wherever we are. Walking along King George Street in Tel Aviv I saw a man in a white button down shirt and tie, long beard and kippah, playing the guitar, a hat on the sidewalk at his feet. We started talking and he played me a song, an original, acoustic, soft and soulful with a recurring refrain: give me strength (Hebrew: ten bi coach).

Harav Tomer loves motorcycles and rock ‘n roll, he is a Hozer Betshuva (a Jew who returns to religion), a rabbi, teacher and the father of seven children who, in his own words, is “trying to make peace through music, to help religious and secular people connect with one another, help people connect to themselves through religion, and… to make a living.”

Coming towards us on the sidewalk was a long-legged rocker lady in blue jeans, her long dark hair swinging and a smile on her face as she reached down to put some coins in his hat. It was none other than Libi, “bold and brilliant singer”  who has happily returned to live in  Israel, performing at the Woodstock Revival summer concerts in Jerusalem, the One Billion Rising event in Tel Aviv, and gigs throughout the country.

“Wait, I’ll play you a song,” he said, and sang Stairway to Heaven. It was beautiful.


  1. Great happy article. And being Libi’s daughter, glad to have the event I produced (VDay) mentioned. It is beautiful to be filled with pure love. Nice to be linked together.

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