Youthful High Spirits at Suzanne Dellal


Suzanne Dellal gives the stage to four young choreographers in their new production, an evening composed of three individual works: Kadam by Tzvika Iskias and Shiri Capuano Quantz; At the end she dies by Idan Porges; and Mushroom ‘Z’ by Nadav Zelner. Each dramatically different in its movement, staging, and sensibility; together they present a program of dance that reflects the diversity and talents of contemporary dance in Israel and the creative high spirits of youth.

Tzvika Iskias & Shiri Capuano Quantz - Kadam/Photo: Gadi Dagon
Tzvika Iskias & Shiri Capuano Quantz – Kadam/Photo: Gadi Dagon

Kadam opens with five ghostly figures, standing motionless at the back of the stage, their white skirts dancing in the dim light. Behind them, scenes of exile and immigration are projected in shades of gray, the nameless faces of people searching for home.  The music begins, a compelling chant, yet the dancers remain motionless, and the tension builds. Choreographers Tzvika Iskias and Shiri Capuano Quantz appear as the light rises and an abstract narrative of wandering unfolds. It is an aesthetic and emotional work, evoking a sense of ritual and timelessness. Iskias is a tremendously talented dancer, with a powerful and expressive presence. Amit Hay Cohen’s original music and video art and Yaakov Baressi’s lighting design, and costumes designed by Rita Avergil and Yael Nevo all come together beautifully. Dancers: Roni Uzan, Almog David, Tzvika Iskias, Kim Teitelbaum, Shiri Capuano Quantz, Ishay Kresanti, Adar Riklis.

In the spirit of fostering a new generation of talents, the costume design for this evening is the product of a collaboration with Studio 6B, with graduates of the fashion design program under the direction of Israeli designer Ido Recanati creating the costumes. Entering the project in its early stages, young designers were paired with the choreographers. Designing the costumes was a creative dialogue between the choreographers and designers, sharing their vision and ideas, and culminating in the costumes seen onstage.

Idan Porges - And in the end she dies/Photo: Gadi Dagon
Idan Porges – At the end she dies/Photo: Gadi Dagon

Idan Porges presented a work of dance-theatre, at once comic and self-reflective. In and of the theatre, the iconic make-up mirror with its frame of lights is at the center of this work, and used with excellent effect. Evoking the glittering world of romance and intrigue,  At the end she dies functioned for this viewer in a manner similar to those films – I often found myself far more intrigued by the malevolent clown figure than by the romantic lead. The cabaret singer may be dead, but I was captivated by the exquisite expression of evil glee on the theatre director’s face, and the trio of ‘musicians’ with their weird comic keening. Dancers: Dafna Davidovich, Moran Miler, Avi Mazliah, Ishay Kresanti, Kim Teitelbaum, Almog David.

Nadav Zelner - Mushroom 'Z'/Photo: Gadi Dagon
Nadav Zelner – Mushroom ‘Z’/Photo: Gadi Dagon

Nadav Zelner’s Mushroom ‘Z’ is a great finale to this terpsichorean paean to youth. An exuberant burst of color and movement, watching the dancers leap and gyrate on the stage one can only think: give me some of those mushrooms too! Zelner has a wonderful sense of gesture and composition, any given moment presents an aesthetic image, and his use of the stage creates a wonderful sense of energy. Ruffles, tights, and glitter, with splashes of red, orange, yellow, green and blue work to great effect here, designed by Doreen Giti, Anat Shaline, Sharon Berger and Noa Afriat. The magical undulations of Yemen Blues matches the mood perfectly. Mushroom ‘Z’ is sexy, funny and great fun. Dancers: Roni Uzan, Dafna Davidovich, Moran Miler, Avi Mazliah, Adar Riklis.

Next performances will take place at the Suzanne Dellal Centre on June 6th at 21:00 and June 7th at 22:00. Tickets may be ordered online, or call 03-5105656.