A Warm and Dedicated Family at the Cameri


Yossi Graber, who plays the role of Elik in Anat Gov’s new play at the Cameri Theatre – “A Warm Family” has been setting a new standard in dedication to the role this week. Scheduled to undergo surgery September 11 to replace his cornea, Graber has been hospitalized for the past week. Noam Semel, Director of the Cameri, wished him a successful surgery adding, “Graber showed us all how ‘the show must go on’…Yossi left the hospital each evening a few minutes before the show was scheduled to begin, so that the performance would not have to be cancelled.”

The reason Graber had to play hooky from the hospital is that the Cameri is a busy family indeed – his replacement in the role of Elik, actor Gadi Yagil, was performing on those nights in another hall at the Cameri in Hanoch Levin’s “Thrill My Heart.” Both plays have been translated into English are performed with superscripts:

Saturday, September 12, A Warm Family
Saturday, September 26, Thrill My Heart
Image credit: Vardi Kahana