Print Screen 2012

Image from Connected: An Autoblogography about Love, Death & Technology courtesy of PR

Print Screen 2012 takes a look at the myriad aspects of visual and digital culture from June 12 – 14th at the Holon Mediatheque. Initiated and curated by Lior Zalmanson, Print Screen, now in its second edition, examines the ways in which the internet influences our social interaction and the changes taking place in cinema. Feature and documentary films that explore the ever-changing relationships between people and technology, as well as lectures, workshops, installations and interactive events – a fun fest, not for geeks only.

A DJ set by Digital_Me, accompanied with a screening of video art by Asaf Shaham will get the mood going at the Holon Mediatheque on June 12th and the film I Love Alaska will be screened in loops – both events are free and open to the public, it all starts at the Holon Cinematheque at 19:45.

The festival opening event “We’re a Connected Generation” will take place on Tuesday, June 12, 2012. Looking at contemporary culture of the “connected generation” – always online, with an attention span of zero, no privacy, and an overwhelming need to share, will be: designer, lecturer and media activist Mushon Zer-Aviv will present his work; poet Noam Partoum will talk about poetry in the YouTube era; Regev Contes (whose documentary The Worst Company in the World won the prize for Best Debut Film at Docaviv 2009) will present his new film Friends, on the facebook experience and its relationship to last summer’s protest movement in Israel; Renana Raz and dancers will present new works from  YouMakeReMake, stage responses to YouTube clips. To order tickets, call: 03-5021555.

The full program is available online. Many events, in particular panel discussions taking place during the day, are free, but require pre-registration, such as “It’s Complicated,” a discussion of film & video on the internet that will take place on Thursday, June 14th.

Among the many offerings are an evening devoted to Black Mirror, screenings of Connected and Plug & Pray, and an evening on the changes the internet has brought to the music world.

There will be a twitter screening of the cult film Mivtza Savta (Operation Grandma 1999), directed by Dror Shaul, in collaboration with YES. With the film’s actors present for the screening, Operation Grandma on one screen, while tweets from the audience will be shown on the second screen (I’ve done this, it’s a lot of fun) for a mass chat, which will also be seen in real time on YES.

Tickets for individual screenings are 37 – 42 NIS, a day pass can be purchased for 70 NIS (60 NIS students) that allows the purchaser to enter all events on a given day. To order call: 03-5021555.

Print Screen initiator and Chief Editor: Lior Zalmanson; Holon Cinematheque Director: Noa Regev; Producer and Project Manager: Shimrit Gal; Holon Cinematheque Content Manager: Alon Rozenblum.
Print Screen is presented in collaboration with the Orange Institute of Internet Research of Tel Aviv University and the Holon Technological Institute.

Links: Print Screen site; facebook page


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