Looking for utopia, anyone? We see life in a utopian community through the eyes of young Jonas, in Lois Lowry’s 1993 children’s book The Giver. As he comes of age and is initiated into adult status in the community, he learns about the mechanisms that keep society running smoothly, discovering that this perfection exacts a price. This summer, the story will come to the screen, directed by Phillip Noyce. The Israeli release date for the film is August 14, 2014.
Noyce has several thrillers to his credit (Clear and Present Danger 1991, The Bone Collector 1999, and Salt 2010) as well as an affinity to the plight of children and justice, as reflected in his return to his native Australia to make Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002), so one might well look forward to his take on Lowry’s novel. Meryl Streep stars as the Chief Elder of the community, with Jeff Bridges as The Giver. If you have not read the book, I’ll leave it to you to mull over what The Giver’s role might be in this narrative.

Jonas will be played by Brenton Thwaites (Aussie heartthrob of Home and Away), and his good friend Fiona will be played by Israeli Odeya Rush. Born in Haifa, she moved with her family to the US at the age of nine, and has been pursuing an acting career since she was twelve, her past credits include a substantial role in The Odd Life of Timothy Green (2012). Taylor Swift will also make an appearance in the film, as Rosemary – once more, not to spoil anything for those who have not yet read the book, I shall refrain from revealing too much.
In the meantime, enjoy the trailer!
Odeya rush sucks
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