Noah’s Ark at the Cameri


“In my end is my beginning” concludes T. S. Eliot in his poem “East Coker”. The same might be said of Janusz Wiśniewski‏’s “Noah’s Ark: The New End of Europe” appearing this week at the Cameri Theater from May 4th – 6th.   .  In it’s exploration of imminent disaster; this unique co-production is in itself a new beginning, with a cast of 24 actors from six different theaters, speaking six different languages onstage.

Two actors from the Cameri – Liat Glick (Antigone, Death of a Salesman) and Shredi Jabarin (Gefen Baladi, The Bubble), joined actors from Teatr Nowy im. Tadeusza Łomnickiego in Poznań, Poland, Nuova Scena – Arena del Sole – Teatro Stabile di Bologna, Italy, Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden, Germany, Schauspielhaus Graz, Austria, and The National Theatre of Kosovo, Pristhina, Kosova, for an intense three month period of rehearsals which began in July 2008. The languages spoken onstage are: Polish, Hebrew, German, Italian, Albanian, and Hindi, with translation into Hebrew. The play premiered on September 13, 2008 at Teatr Nowy in Poznań..

Director Janusz Wiśniewski‏’s first production in Israel was ten years ago at the Israel Festival with “The End of Europe”. Wiśniewski, who began working in the 1970s, early 80s, is regarded as the successor of Tadeusz Kantor’s style of theater: expressive, rich in movement and visual imagery. Taking the Biblical story of Noah as a reference point, Wiśniewski describes the text as made up of “sacred words which <<on the days of terror, when values pass away>>, have always brought people to a new dry land where regeneration was possible.”   Noah’s Ark is a theatrical event that is not to be missed.

May 4, 5, 6 at 20:30
The Cameri Theatre
19 Shaul Hamelech Street
Tel Aviv
Tickets: 03-6060960


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