International Exposure 2010

Maria Kong's MISS/Photo: Ascaf

Leading representatives of the international dance scene will come to Israel in December for International Exposure 2010 – a four day celebration of dance, creating an international stage for the diverse vitality of the Israeli dance scene.

International Exposure will take place at the Suzanne Dellal Centre in Tel Aviv from December 8 – 12, 2010, with some performances taking place in other venues, such as the Israeli Opera and historic Nachmani Hall, featuring a wide array of dance performances, including:

The Repertory Dance Project produced by Suzanne Dellal and the Israeli Opera, Bat Sheva Dance Company, the Bat Sheva Ensemble, The Israel Ballet, Yasmeen Godder, Tamar Borrer, Inbal Pinto Avshalom Pollak Dance Company, Yossi Berg, The Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company, Maria Kong, Nimrod Freed, Arkadi Zaides, Shlomi Frige, the YouTube Project directed by Renana Raz, Inbal Ethnic Dance Theatre, Hanoch Rozen, Fresco Dance Company, Rachel Erdos, Kamea Dance Company, Odelia Kupperberg, Idan Sharabi, Mami Shimizaki, Orly Portal, Adama Dance Company and Sahar Azimi.

Among the international guests who have already confirmed their participation are: Jean Paul Montanari, director of the Montpellier Dance Festival, Guy Darmet and Benjamin Perchet of the Maison de la Danse in Lyon, Pierre Thys Ballet National de Marseille, 15 representatives from the Marseille Municipal Cultural delegation – chosen as culture capital of 2013, Roberto Casarotto from Italy, 23 guests and festival directors from Italy, Isabella Spirig Artistic director of the Steps festival in Switzerland, Betsy Gregory director of Dance Umbrella in London, Stanford Makishi Executive director of the Baryshnikov Arts Center in NY.

The Bat Sheva Dance Company will present Kyr/Zina by Ohad Naharin. The program is composed of Kyr, the first work created by Naharin for the company, and selections from Zina, which was first performed in the 1995 Israel Festival in Jerusalem. Kyr/Zina will be performed by the Bat Sheva Ensemble on December 8, 2010 at 20:00.


Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company in Transform/Photo: Gadi Dagon

The Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company will perform Transform, by Rami Be’er on December 9, at 11:00.

Tamar Borrer and Tamara Erde will perform Ana – a woman’s internal journey through the realities of life in Israel – on December 9, at 20:30.

The Repertory Dance Project/Photo: Eyal Landesman

The Repertory Dance Project – a joint initiative of the Israeli Opera and the Suzanne Dellal Centre, an evening of three dance works from contemporary choreographers: Marko Goeke, Emanuel Gat and Jacopo Godani, will be performed on December 10, at 14:00 at the Israeli Opera – Tel Aviv Performing Arts Center.

The Vertigo Dance Company will perform Mana, by Noa Wertheim. A quietly powerful work that explores the boundaries of self and community, internal and external forces, it will be performed on December 10, at 17:00 at the Givatayim Theatre.

Maria Kong will perform Miss Brazil on December 10, at 21:00, an evening composed of two works: Miss, describing the intense relationships between four figures, and Brazil, exploring a wild, sensual place in the soul called “Brazil”.

Exposure 1

Fresco Dance Company in Yoram Karmi's Particle Accelerator/Photo: Vera Vladimirsky

Fresco Dance Company will perform Yoram Karmi’s Particle Accelerator, a high-energy dance that lives up to its name, exploring the relationship to technology. Rachel Erdos presents ‘Ou, a work for four dancers with video art created by Efrat Eini. The performance will take place on December 11, at 11:00.

Exposure 2

Odelia Kupperberg’s Tzitzushka and a new work by Idan Sharabi will be performed on December 11 at 13:00.

Adama Dance Company will perform Terminal B, a new work by Liat Dror and Nir Ben Gal on December 11 at 14:00.

Terminal B by Liat Dror and Nir Ben Gal/Photo: Naama Nada

Exposure 3

Mami Shimazaki will perform her new work Loop People, exploring her body in relation to the surrounding space. Orly Portal presents Gnawia, a work influenced by Egyptian, Morrocan, and Persian folklore, as well as Sufi and contemporary dance. The performance will take place on December 11 at 15:00.

Exposure 4

Kamea Dance Company will perform Srul, by Tamir Ginz, personal memories interwoven with the Israeli experience. The Tami Dance Company will perform Nimrod Freed’s Flash, the battle to conquer fear – December 11 at 22:00.

The Bat Sheva Dance Company will perform Sharon Eyal’s Bill on December 12, at 21:00.

International exposure is initiated and produced by the Suzanne Dellal Centre in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – KASHTUM, the Ministry of Culture and Sport – Department of Dance and with the support of Isracard and Klal Insurance.


  1. […] International Exposure 2010 opened last night, December 8, 2010, as Yair Vardi, Director of the Suzanne Dellal Centre, welcomed 190 guests from 39 countries who have arrived in Israel for a marathon of Israeli contemporary dance. The festival features the year’s harvest of dance performances from the major dance companies as well as independent choreographers. The events tent was humming with conversation as festival directors, artistic directors and other representatives of the international dance world met with Israeli dancers and choreographers in what has become a much anticipated annual event. Director of the Suzanne Dellal Centre Yair Vardi and choreographer Rena Schenfeld/Photo: Avi Evan […]

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