Keshet Eilon 19th International Violin Mastercourse


Imagine sitting in on the violin lessons of a young Isaac Stern or Ida Haendel as they perfected their art. A summertime ritual now entering its 19th year, the Keshet Eilon International Violin Mastercourse lets you do just that. Opening today at Kibbutz Eilon in the Western Galilee, it’s a musical version of utopia where aspiring young musicians can learn from the masters and everyone can enjoy the music – both individual lessons and masterclasses are open to the public free of charge.

45 young violinists from 19 countries will participate in this year’s workshops. 15 year old Shir Levi, an Israeli who lives in New York, has been a listener at previous workshops and this year will be the youngest participating violinist. This year’s distinguished guest artists are Ida Haendel (UK – US), legendary violinist and child prodigy who began her studies at the Warsaw Conservatory at age 4, and was the subject of a CBC-TV documentary film, and Haim Taub, concertmaster of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra from 1969 until his retirement in 1988, and founding member of the Tel Aviv String Quartet.

A festive concert will be performed Sunday, July 26th at 20:15 featuring festival patron Maestro Shlomo Mintz and the New Russian String Quartet playing: Mozart String Quartet in G minor, K. 516 and Brahms String Quartet No. 2 in G Major, Op. 111. Daily activities open to the public are: individual lessons between 10:00 and 13:00 and masterclasses taking place between 17:30 and 18:30. A violin and bow-making atelier directed by Amnon and Avshalom Weinsten (Israel) and Daniel Schmidt (Germany) will be open daily except Saturday. The Keshet Eilon Olympic Archery Program will be open for observation as well, Sundays through Thursdays in the Eilon Sports Hall.

Additional highlights for this week include:

“Open Door” with Ida Haendel
29.7, 30.7, 31.7 and 1.8
Free and open to the public

“and a violin in his faltering hand”
Wednesday, July 29 at 20:15, (100 NIS)
A concert marking the eve of the Ninth of Av in collaboration with “Yad Layeled,”
Ghetto Fighters Museum, followed by a screening of the film “Defiance” based on the true story of the Bielski family during the Holocaust.
Concert Commemorating the Tel Aviv Centennial
Thursday, July 30 at 20:15, (50 NIS)
A truly historic event, this concert replicates the concert given by Jascha Heifetz in Tel Aviv in April 1926, including works by Greig, Achron, Debussy, Paganini and others.

Concert Commemorating the Tel Aviv Centennial
Friday, July 31 at 20:15, (100 NIS)
Chamber Music concert in remembrance of the Hebrew Music Society (which sponsored chamber music concerts in Tel Aviv in the 1920s) moderated by Music Director Itzhak Rashkovsky.
Kibbutz Eilon, Western Galilee
Contact: 04-9858191/131