Party with InDNegev in Tel Aviv – October 16, 2011


Three amazing days in the desert are just not enough to contain the InDNegev energy, so InDNegev will host their traditional urban preview party in collaboration with Teder and the Ozen Bar on Sunday, October 16, 2011. 7 hours of music, one radio broadcast and two venues – it all starts at Teder with music from 15:00 – 19:00 on 5 Har Sinai Street. Guy Hajaj (Oneg Shabbat) will host the show which will be broadcast live on Teder, with music and interviews. The public is invited to join the party – on air too!

Live performances by Lorena B, Buttering Trio, 3421 and Avi Adaki, with tabac house on the DJ stand between sets.

Then the official pre-InDNegev party begins at the Ozen Bar, 46 King George Street at 21:00. Live performances by: Montifiore, Neft, Greenbaums, theAngelcy. Admission is 10 NIS to cover costs.

InDNegev will take place from October 27 – 29 at Mitzpe Gvulut. How to get to Mitzpe Gvulot? Here’s a map & instructions:

From Tel Aviv – Driving on Road #4 turn left at the Yad Mordechai intersection, until you arrive at the Nir Am (Road #34) intersection. Turn right at the Nir Am intersection, then turn left at the Saad intersection, then at the next intersection (Road #232), turn right. Drive straight on #232 until you reach the Gvulot intersection, turn left onto Road # 222 then turn right into Gvulot. The trip should take about an hour and a quarter.
From Beer Sheva – Drive towards the Gilat intersection then turn left towards Ofakim and Urim (Road #231). Then turn left at the Urim intersection onto Road #234. Turn right at the Ze’elim intersection then left into Gvulot. The trip should take about 25 minutes.

Tickets are 190 NIS – ADVANCE PURCHASE ONLY, so order online (the site is in Hebrew but call this number for help in ordering: 03-7583535); by phone: 03-5449345 (Sundays thru Thursday from 9 – 17:00) or from these local sellers:

Tel Aviv
Abu Dabi Hummus, 81 King George Street, 03-5259090
The Casbah, 3aleph Florentin Street, 03-5182144

Uganda, 4 Aristobolus Street, 02-6236087

Goldmond, 32 Massada Street, 04-8622472, Eyal 054-574532

Beer Sheva
Ashan Hazman, 86 Ringelbloom Street, 077-7644218

Sha’ar HaNegev, Ma’ayan 050-7233770