Bar Snacks – Treats from the Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival


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The 15th edition of the Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival is almost here (June 19 – 24, 2013), and in the meantime, the friendly festival folks have some bar snacks to offer.

Free screenings of a selection of the best recent shorts by Israeli film students will be shown at some of the coolest Tel Aviv bars, accompanied by discussions with Assi Dayan, Eran Kolirin, Menashe Noy and other fascinating Israeli film industry members. It all happens next Wednesday, April 10, 2013, so let’s all go out, get drunk & watch some movies!

Deli – 20:30 “Resen” directed by Etti Chico (participated in Cannes 2012). Discussant: Shmulik Duvdevani. 47 Allenby Street.

Har Sinai – 20:30 “I think this is the closest to how the footage looked” by Yuval Hameiri, 2012 Second award winner – San Sebastián Film Festival, Spain, Sept. 2012, First award winner Student Film Competition – Epos International Art Film Festival, Israel, Feb 2013. Discussant: Hanan Kaminsky. 2 Har Sinai Street.

Rothschild 12 – 20:30 “Benched” by Gill Weinstein, starring Assi Dayan and Evelin Hagoel. Discussant: Assi Dayan.

Hoodna –   20:30 “Raz and Radja” by Yona Rozenkier, opened critics week at the Venice Film Festival, 2012. Discussant: Eran Kolirin. 13 Abarbanel Street.

Levontin 7 – 20:30 “Barby Blues” by Adi Kutner. Discussant: to be announced.

Shpagat – 20:30 “Ben is Back” by Elad Zakai, starring Rita and Lee Biran. Discussant: Maya Bezalel.  Nahalat Binyamin Street.

Africa – “Monologues from the Banana” by Idan Rabinowicz. Discussant: Nitzan Shor. 18 Harakevet Street.

Sharshappeal (Tachles Bar) – 20:30 “Two Weeks Tops” by Danny Hecht, starring Mooki, Leora Rivlin, winner of Best Student Short Competition at the Haifa International Film Festival 2012. Discussant: Ronit Weiss-Berkowitz. 5 Bar Yochai Street.

Hamezeg Bar – 19:00 “Single Player” by Noga Bash. Discussant: Menashe Noy. 151 Ibn Gvirol Street.

Follow the festival on facebook here, and click attending & watch for updates on the event page here.