Images of Yearot Menashe 2014


It’s late, it’s pitch dark, and it’s cold. I reach into my back pack to get my sweatshirt, and as I pull it on, I accidently toss my glasses out into the night. Yes, that was the first thing I did when I arrived at Yearot Menashe this year for the music festival. The third thing I did, after finding my glasses: I sat down and laughed and laughed and laughed. That’s part of the Yearot experience for me, opening up to the unexpected, whatever it may be, the vagaries of nature and human existence, love, laughter and music.

The music! The music and the woods of Yearot Menashe make this festival a favorite of mine. Coming pretty late on Thursday, entering the festival arena is like walking into an alternative universe: trees towering above, lit from below with the green glow of stage lights, a full moon above and a crowd of people surrounding the stage. Roy Rieck of Acollective looked out at the crowds and said: “You are so beautiful! This is the most beautiful sight!” Amen. People gathering together to listen to music, sharing songs, companionship, food and drink. It is the most beautiful sight ever. A music-loving temporary three day community.

I love to read and practically memorize the schedule, and then forget about it once I am there and drift from stage to stage, or back to the campground as the spirit moves me. Waking up in the morning to the sound of birds singing and someone playing a guitar nearby, I start each day as if the morning had invented me anew. I love the people I camp with, a group of family and friends, new and vintage, a circle that shifts and changes and is always a wonderful place to be.

Now back in the city, I am reliving those moments again with Muperphoto‘s pictures… so many beautiful photos it was very hard to choose among them! Which is your favorite? Enjoy!

Maya Belzitsman/Muperphoto
Maya Belsitzman/Photo: Muperphoto
Maya Belzitsman/Muperphoto
Maya Belsitzman/Photo: Muperphoto
Matan Efrat/Photo: Muperphoto
Matan Efrat/Photo: Muperphoto
Hotel Khaleejee - Amos Hoffman/Photo: Muperphoto
Hotel Khaleejee – Amos Hoffman/Photo: Muperphoto
Hotel Khaleejee/Photo: Muperphoto
Hotel Khaleejee – Rechela/Photo: Muperphoto
Hotel Khaleejee - Gilad Abro/Photo: Muperphoto
Hotel Khaleejee – Gilad Abro/Photo: Muperphoto
Bint El Funk/Photo: Muperphoto
Bint El Funk/Photo: Muperphoto
Bint El Funk/Photo: Muperphoto
Bint El Funk/Photo: Muperphoto
Bint El Funk/Photo: Muperphoto
Bint El Funk/Photo: Muperphoto
Bint El Funk/Photo: Muperphoto
Bint El Funk/Photo: Muperphoto
Yaarot Menashe 2014 chill/Photo: Muperphoto
Yaarot Menashe 2014 chill/Photo: Muperphoto
Asphalt Theatre/Photo: Muperphoto
Asphalt Exodus Theatre/Photo: Muperphoto
Asphalt Theatre/Photo: Muperphoto
Asphalt Exodus Theatre/Photo: Muperphoto
Asphalt Theatre/Photo: Muperphoto
AsphaltExodus Theatre/Photo: Muperphoto
Amir Lev/Photo: Muperphoto
Amir Lev/Photo: Muperphoto
Aviran Haviv/Photo: Muperphoto
Aviran Haviv/Photo: Muperphoto
Omer Haviv/Photo: Muperphoto
Omer Haviv/Photo: Muperphoto
Yaarot Menashe 2014 - Dance!/Photo: Muperphoto
Yaarot Menashe 2014 – Dance!/Photo: Muperphoto
Aviran Haviv/Photo: Muperphoto
Aviran Haviv/Photo: Muperphoto
Last Monday of October/Photo: Muperphoto
Last Monday of October/Photo: Muperphoto
Yaarot Menashe 2014/Photo: Muperphoto
Yaarot Menashe 2014/Photo: Muperphoto
Last Monday of October/Photo: Muperphoto
Last Monday of October/Photo: Muperphoto
Yaarot Menashe 2014/Photo: Muperphoto
Yaarot Menashe 2014/Photo: Muperphoto
The Angelcy - Rotem Bar Or/Photo: Muperphoto
The Angelcy – Rotem Bar Or/Photo: Muperphoto



The Angelcy - Rotem Bar Or/Photo: Muperphoto
The Angelcy – Rotem Bar Or/Photo: Muperphoto
The Angelcy - Maayan Zimry/Photo: Muperphoto
The Angelcy – Maayan Zimry/Photo: Muperphoto
Felidae Trick/Photo: Muperphoto
Felidae Trick/Photo: Muperphoto
Felidae Trick/Photo: Muperphoto
Felidae Trick/Photo: Muperphoto
Felidae Trick/Photo: Muperphoto
Felidae Trick/Photo: Muperphoto