Permont’s Isra VeIshma in Rabin Memorial Concert

Performance of Isra VeIshma/Photo: Roni Shir
Performance of Isra VeIshma/Photo: Roni Shir

Isra VeIshma, Haim Permont’s Cantata for Children’s Choir, Mixed Choir, Soprano and Chamber Orchestra to texts by Mirik Snir, will be performed to mark the 20th anniversary of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin z”l, on November 4, 2015 at the Israel Conservatory of Music in Tel Aviv. Performed by the Tel Aviv Soloists Ensemble, the Moran Choir under the musical direction of Naomi Faran, and will be conducted by Barak Tal, the concert will take place at 20:30.

ילד הוא ילד הוא ילד ישראלי ישמעאלי אני
(A child is a child is a child/ I am an Israeli Ishmael – from the text by Mirik Snir)

Naomi Faran stated: “We chose to perform Isra VeIshma from our feelings of sorrow mingled with hope. A hope that the time has come for peace. That the children of the Moran Choir and all the children in our region – Jews and Arabs, will know peace and live in tranquility.


In the entrance of the Conservatory, there will be a display of letters, drawings, and other reflections that children and youth have written over the past 20 years. Their letters and drawings, set out at the place where Yitzhak Rabin z”l was assassinated, Kikar Malchei Israel which was renamed Kikar Rabin, were collected by Batya Guy, curator and Director of the Kibbutz Gallery in Tel Aviv from 1989-1993, and Director of the Beit HaShomer Museum in Kfar Gilady from 1993 – 2010.

Tickets for the concert are 130 NIS, with discounts for students, soldiers and seniors. To purchase tickets, call: Yonatan -54-7545781; Roni 054-2455925.

Israel Conservatory of Music, 25 Louis Marshall St (corner of Shtriker), Tel Aviv

Moran Choirs website