Shavuot at Vertigo Eco-Arts Village

Vertigo and the Diamonds/Photo: Miri Yanai Shimonovitch

Staying up all night reading, talking and dancing – sounds good to Midnight East! Shavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai and the first fruits of the harvest, embracing mind, body, spirit and the environment. The Choreographer’s Society, Bodyways and the Vertigo Dance Company have come together to celebrate Shavuot at the Vertigo Eco-Village with two days of dance and movement workshops, learning, and performances.

The Vertigo Eco-Village is an arts community in Kibbutz Netiv HaLamed Heh, created through a desire to live in harmony with the environment, with an emphasis on using recycled and salvaged materials in building, conserving resources in daily life and seeking a harmonic balance of art, work and relationships. The spacious, sun-lit studios and the natural beauty of the surrounding Ella Valley provide a place to explore dance, yoga, Tai Chi and enjoy dance performances in an alternative setting.
A performance of Vertigo and the Diamonds will take place on Wednesday, May 19 at 21:00, a joyous celebration of music, movement and love performed by the Vertigo Dance Company.

Vertigo and the Diamonds/Photo: Miri Yanai Shimonovitch

Tickets and information:, 02-9900235
Hagiga Program:
Tuesday, May 18 –  14:30 Arrival
15:30 Vijnana Yoga with Mia Goldstein
16:00 Morning lesson with Noa Dar
17:00 Acro-Yoga with Avner Hochfeld
17:30 Repertoire for dancers / actors with Michal Herman
18:30 Gathering and reception in movement
*Shavuot picnic dressed in white
21:00 “Guf el Guf” a collection of performances: “Subtext” by Nimrod Fried/Tami Group,”Anu” by Noa Dar, “Hahavura” by Michal Herman
22:00 Shavuot night – Tikkun
22:00 Jam contact and dance

Wednesday, May 19
6:30 Tai Chi at sunrise with Nimrod Koren
9:00 Japanese Dance workshop with Nimrod Fried
9:00 Contact Improvisation with Danya Elraz
11:00 Body Voice workshop with Ofri Eliaz
11:00 Movement and texts from the origins with Rina and Baruch
12:30 Workshop with Nadine Bommer
12:30 “Bikurey Yetzira” first creations of young artists and dancers in various stage arts
15:00 “Quiet” dance by Arkadi Zaides and talk with the audience
16:45 Connecting with the Heart with Merav Goldenberg
16:45 Contemporary Dance workshop with Hillel Kogan
16:45 “Freedom of movement” – a collection of performances with “Osef Prati” by Sally Anne Friedlander, “Manimation” by Nadine Bomer, “Hakol” by Hillel Kogan
21:00 “Vertigo and the Diamonds” Vertigo Dance Company”
Early registration until Friday, May 14
Two days at early registration : 240NIS
Full day at early registration : 120NIS
Prices after Friday 14/5

Two days : 290NIS
Full day: 150NIS
40NIS extra for night stay
Wednesday, May 29 evening performance ticket (18:30 and after): 80nis
Children under 16- FREE of charge