Israel Festival Announces New September 2020 Dates


The 59th edition of the Israel Festival will take place this year from September 3 – 12, 2020. The multidisciplinary festival which annually features an intriguing and thought-provoking program of international and Israeli works of dance, theatre, music and performance, was originally scheduled to take place from June 4 – 20. However, due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the festival was postponed, and the festival team is pleased to announce the new dates for the festival, which will be held in accordance with current health guidelines.

Festival Director Eyal Sher said that the artistic program (which had been planned before the pandemic) touches on issues relevant to current concerns such as community, touch, empathy, emergency situations and evacuation, individualism and technology, ageism, democracy, and tolerance. The full festival program will be announced soon.

Link: Israel Festival website