An Arduous Pleasure


Ido Tadmor never stops, and will stop at nothing until the movement is perfect. It is 11:00am on a Sunday morning; any trace of hedonistic weekend pleasures has been long forgotten. The dancers are hard at work, preparing for the performance of Tadmor’s “Sima’s Pot” and “Cell” on the outdoor stage at Suzanne Dellal on Monday, May 18th.

Tadmor demands from his dancers no more than he expects from himself. I watch him hurl himself to the floor in one of the many explosive moves in his physically charged choreography. “Don’t be such ladies and gentlemen;” he tells them, “You are dancers!”




The practice is intense and unrelenting. While the dancers work on one segment under the direction of the rehearsal manager, Tadmor works out at the back of the room. Alert to every movement, every breath of his dancers and commenting on every detail. His concern is not only with the way it looks, but with the way it is felt and experienced by both dancers and audience: “Loose arms when you turn here…this entire segment depends on the connection felt between you, don’t worry about where your arms should be.”

Searching for the best way to explain how to roll over their dance partner’s body without hurting her in the process or injuring their knees, he tells them, “Think about fucking.” When the move is repeated, flawlessly this time, he grins, “I knew that would work.”

In addition to the two works from Tadmor’s repertoire, he will premiere two new duets – with Talia Paz and Rina Sheinfeld.

Monday, May 18th at 21:00
Suzanne Dellal Centre for Dance
5 Yehiely Street
Tel Aviv
Tickets: 03-5105656


  1. Hi Guys

    The comment box is still covering part of the text on my computer screen
    Is there anything you can do about it?


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