Akko International Fringe Theatre Festival 2021

Shay Persil – Badada/Photo: Ilan Besor

The Akko International Fringe Theatre Festival will take place from September 21 – 24, 2021 in the city of Akko. Now in its 42nd edition, following a year in which it was presented in digital format online due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the festival makes a welcome return to the historic venue of the Old City of Akko.

The festival will feature 8 plays premiering in competition, 4 short performance works, as well as free outdoor performances throughout the festival. The festival presented the works to be performed in a press meeting that took place in Tel Aviv on July 25, 2021, with the Mayor of Akko, Shimon Lankri, in attendance. Mayor Lankri expressed his pleasure in the festival’s return to on-site, live performances this year. Noting the harsh events that Akko has recently experienced, Lankri said, “Art can connect people from different ethnic groups, religions, beliefs, and I think that this practice of art, through such a powerful festival can certainly bring people together. Akko is known as a city that fostered relationships that are almost impossible to achieve in the State of Israel between Jews and Arabs… we have dedicated ourselves to this task every day, every hour of the day. We believe that through the massive work we do, whether in a political, religious, or educational framework, we believe that due to this history life will soon return to its course. The festivals of Akko are part of that history, and the most important of them all is the Akko International Fringe Theater Festival.”

In addition to the plays in competition, the festival will host several special events, including a tribute to the composer Yossi Mar Chaim on the occasion of his 80th birthday. The Jaffa Theatre will present a musical evening of co-existence, with classic works of Arabic music, and songs from the theatre’s musicals, performed by Arab and Jewish musicians. The Batsheva Dance Company will perform Decadance 2021, choreographed by Ohad Naharim. An unconference, headed by Dr. Yossi Vardi and managed by Dr. Lior Zalmanson, on the performing arts and technology will take place during the festival, bringing together performing artists and representatives of technology firms.

Free, outdoor performances will take place throughout the festival, including installations, music, dance, street theatre, circus arts, and graphic arts on the walls and sidewalks. Festival nightlife will host a range of musical genres including Rap, Greek, Arabic and Turkish music, songs in French, Pop, and a fusion of electronic dance music with world music.

Akko International Fringe Theatre Festival website: https://www.accofestival.co.il/