Holon Women’s Festival 2022

The Wonderful Women of Hanoch Levin/Photo: Yossi Zwecker

The Holon Women’s Festival will take place from March 7 – 9, 2022, when the world will be celebrating International Women’s Day on March 8th. The festival will open with a musical-theatrical performance dedicated to the women characters created by Hanoch Levin. Directed by Tamar Kenan and under the musical direction of Yossi Ben Nun, the show will feature sketches, songs, and monologues from Levin’s plays. Performers will include: Tiki Dayan, Liat Harlev, Naomi Levov, Ola Schur-Selektar, Aya Granit Shva, Yael Tal, Moni Moshonov, Michael Moshonov and Raz Shmueli.

Joni – A Tribute to Music Legend Joni Mitchell will feature the artist’s songs as performed by the Both Sides Ensemble as well as singers Moran Cohen Talmor and Adva Sepkuty. Malka Marom, author of the biography Joni Mitchell: In Her Own Words, will talk about the singer-songwriter’s life and work. The performance is under the musical direction of Yankele Segal.

An original play, Ma Koev Lach? (what hurts you), created and performed by Adi Drori, Eden Amor and Chen Ohayon will focus on illnesses that are often hidden and silenced: endometritis and fibromyalgia. Personal stories, songs and movement convey the tension between being a powerful capable woman and the weakness and pain brought on by the disease.

Ma Koev Lach?/Photo: Yossi Zwecker

BaEynayim Sheli” (with my eyes), a play by Keren Cohen, directed by Dana Dvorin, is a production of Platforma Theatre (an initiative of Cohen and Dvorin that provides training in the theatre arts to women who have experienced violence) in cooperation with the Cameri Theatre. The play is written as a documentary text and tells the true stories of three women from Platforma, who will also be participating in the play: Michal Adler, a young woman from an Ultra-Orthodox family who was abused by someone who was supposed to be her protector; Sarita Maya Mamrot, an honors high school senior whose desire to make the world a better place was cut off by a merciless attack that took place in the classroom; Yasmin Sido, for whom violence and a feeling of not belonging anywhere were her lot from the day of her birth. Performing with them will be actors from the Cameri Theatre: Neta Plotnik, David Bilenka, Shoham Sheiner, Kinneret Limoni, and Naama Shetrit. The performance will take place on March 8th.

Moshkovich & Moshkovski/Photo: Nadav Yahalomi and Zohar Ralt

Musical performances at the festival will include Moshkovski et Moshkovich, featuring singer-songwriters Vered Moshkovski and Omer Moshkovich. Moshkovski’s style merges Israeli and international influences, while Moshkovich describes her songs as “comic pop”. Stav Achai’s jazz quartet – Daneil Harlev (upright bass), Shahar Haziza (drums), Roi Avivi (guitar) – will perform at the festival with material from their upcoming second album, featuring guest musicians Yonatan Hadas (clarinet), Elad Tal (trumpet) and Aya Zahavi Feiglin. Achai’s jazz originals contain influences of classical music, African music, minimalism, rock and pop.

Renowned comedian Rivka Michaeli will premiere a new comedy show directed by Shirilee Deshe, in which she pokes fun mainly at herself…  A tribute to Shoshana Damari inspired by the documentary film Queen Shoshana, directed by Morris Ben-Mayor and Koby Farag. The show will feature scenes from the film with new arrangements to her most popular songs. Performers will include: Karni Postel, Vered Piker, Galya Hai, Ola Schur-Selektar, Raz Shmueli, Anat Moshkovsky, Roni Wagner, Alex Moshe, and Salit Lahav.

The Holon Women’s Festival will take place from March 7 – 9, 2022, at the Holon Theatre, 11 Kugel Avenue, Holon. Tickets may be purchased online from the festival website: http://woman-festival.co.il/ or call: 03-5023001.

Festival Director Guy Telem, Artistic Director Einat Besser, Producer Daniel Lev Faktor