Tel Aviv Dance 2010: Goya


Spanish dancer-choreographer Miguel Angel Berna, returns to Israel October 10, 2010 with a new work “Goya,” inspired by the Spanish painter and printmaker Franscisco Goya (1746 – 1828). Berna, who first participated in Tel Aviv Dance in 2007, connects visually to the often haunting imagery in Goya’s work. The intent is not to provide a historic or biographic presentation of the artist, but rather a theatrical, choreographic response to the imaginative world as reflected in Goya’s paintings.

The central figure in “Goya” is a sleeping boy who experiences a fantastic reality through his dreams, conveying these images and their stories to the audience. The dance relates to prints such as “The Sleep of Reason” and paintings such as Goya’s series of 14 oil paintings created 1819 – 1823 and painted directly on the walls of his home, known as the “Black Paintings.” These works depict mythological, demonic and fantastic figures, in dark colors, reflecting Goya’s grim vision of humanity. 

Born is Saragossa, Miguel Angel Berna began dancing at the age of 8, participating in over 1,000 festivals of jota, a genre of Spanish music and dance performed with castanets in regional costumes with different variations throughout Spain. The Castilian style is performed with guitars, bandurrias, lutes, dulzaina and drums, while the Galicians use bagpipes, drums and bombos. Berna sought to create a dance style that will connect the Jota to contemporary dance, founding his own dance company in 2001. He presented “Viva Templanza” at the national competition for flamenco and Spanish Dance, winning first prize for choreography. Berna has won worldwide critical acclaim, appearing in Carlos Saura’s film Iberia (2005), which documents the artistic process of prominent figures on the Spanish dance and music scene. Le Figaro named Berna “the Paganini of the castanets,” and his works have been featured at major international venues in London, Madrid, Cuba, France, Japan, Brazil, China, and Italy.

Tel Aviv Dance 2010 is made possible through the initiative and support of the Tel Aviv Municipality – Department of Art and Culture, the Suzanne Dellal Centre, the Israeli Opera – TAPAC, European Union Israel, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The French Embassy, the French Institute in Tel Aviv, Isracard, and Brussels Air.

Choreographer: Miguel Angel Berna
Director: Louis Olmos
Designer: Juan Pedro Gaspar
Music: Joaquin Pardinilla and Alberto Artigas
Performances: October 10 and 12 at 21:00
The Israeli Opera/Tel Aviv Performing Arts Center
19 Shaul Hamelech Boulevard, Tel Aviv
Tickets: 03-6927777,