Tamar Eisenman @The Zone

Tamar Eisenman/Photo: Muperphoto

The thrill of Tamar Eisenman live in concert – wild and precise, defying boundaries and borders, embracing contradictions, inventing and reinventing herself in each moment, delicate and bold. With intricate electric fingers and crash-banging intensity, Tamar Eisenman rocked the stage at The Zone. She is mesmerizing. Standing near the stage, I was surrounded by beautiful, smiling women and men, dancing and singing along, filling the air with love. Songs of love and yearning, desire and the drive to create; and the willingness to risk all. The words and vivid images resonate with meaning, yet there remains a sense of the elusive and enigmatic, as if the words enfold a mystery. Onstage with Tamar were Keren Tepperberg on drums & vocals, Ido Zeleznik on keyboards and Mickey Warshi on bass. Capturing the visceral energy and beauty of Tamar Eisenman are photographs by Muperphoto – enjoy!

Links: Tamar Eisenman bandcamp, website, facebook page

Tamar Eisenman/Photo: Muperphoto
Tamar Eisenman/Photo: Muperphoto
Tamar Eisenman/Photo: Muperphoto
Tamar Eisenman/Photo: Muperphoto
Tamar Eisenman/Photo: Muperphoto
Tamar eisenman/Photo: Muperphoto
Tamar Eisenman/Photo: Muperphoto
Tamar Eisenman/Photo: Muperphoto
Tamar Eisenman/Photo: Muperphoto
Tamar Eisenman/Photo: Muperphoto
Keren Tepperberg/Photo: Muperphoto
Keren Tepperberg/Photo: Muperphoto
Ido Zeleznik/Photo: Muperphoto
Mickey Warshi/Photo: Muperphoto
Tamar Eisenman/Photo: Muperphoto