Eitan Even – New President of the Israel Academy of Film and Television

Eitan Even

Producer Eitan Even has been elected as the new President of the Israel Academy of Film and Television, succeeding Marek Rosenbaum who is currently completing his term as President of the Academy.

In addition to his prolific career as a film producer, Eitan Evan has been active in public service, his previous positions include: Head of the Film and Television Producer’s Union, member of the Film Fund board of directors, and member of the Israel Academy of Film and Television board of directors. Even is the producer of numerous films including: Bonjour Monsieur Shlomi, Aviya’s Summer, Under the Domim Tree, Aviva Ahuvati (which won the Ophir Award for Best Film in 2006) and HaHov.

Even is co-producer of the re-make of HaHovThe Debt, directed by John Madden and starring Helen Mirren, which will be shown at the 2011 Haifa International Film Festival.