Shaon Horef – Monday Nights in Jerusalem


Bringing the noise into the Jerusalem winter is Shaon Horef – every Monday throughout the month of February a different area will host a mini-marathon of cultural events – music, art, video, cooking classes, lectures and master classes. The first Shaon Horef will take place on Monday, February 6, 2012 from 18:00 – 24:00 in the area of Bezalel, Shatz, Ben Shetach, Hahistadrut, and King George Streets.

There’s a lot to look forward to! Here are some highlights:

Sknows 2 – Nose Magazine will celebrate two years at 18 Mesilat Yesharim Street, Mazyeh House, bringing the pages of the magazine to life with events throughout the building. Chef Roy Avraham will create a unique culinary event with video art, toys and food at 18:00; there will be a tribute exhibition to Messy.Boat.Bitch.On.Yacht.

Acollective/Photo: Noa Mager

A new concept in music performance from Acollective, LF.N.T and The Wrong Demons. After one band finishes their set, one of musicians will stay on to play with the next band, replacing one of their members. The bands will mix on through the evening, ending with a giant jam, all accompanied by video art by Mejadra Eyes.

Mejadra Eyes

The Artists’ House, 12 Shmuel Hanagid Street will host a live installation creating interaction between drawing music and video art projections from 19:30 – 23:00.

“Jerusalem 2009 – 2012,” video art by Musrara graduate Eric Portman will be projected on a giant screen outside the Shatz Gallery, 5 Shmuel HaNagid Street.

Food and film at the Montifiore Hotel, 7 Shatz Street – at 20:00 Chef Marcus Gershovitz (Angelica Restaurant) will conduct a workshop on cooking fish. Participation is free, and requires advance registration 02-6298148. At 22:00 there will be a screening of films by Maale graduates and a chance to meet the filmmakers.

Jerusalem comics in songs, stand-up and sketches on Jerusalem at 7 Bezalel Street, 20:00.

The Gerard Behar Center, 11 Bezalel Street, will feature 6/10 – artists talking about art, 6 artists, 60 minutes, starting at 20:30. At 22:00 Tamar Eisenman will conduct a music master class.

The Blues Hostel – Uzi Feinerman will perform at the Abraham Hostel, 67 Haneviim Street at 20:45.

Ha’Ir Hazot, a pilot for an experimental rap musical at the  Avram Bar, 97 Yaffo Street, 21:30.

Area restaurants and bars will offer discounts throughout the evening. Most Shaon Horef activities are free, some performances have an admission fee of 10 – 20 NIS, the full program is available here

Shaon Horef artistic directors and producers: Shlomit Yaakov, Yaniv Yor, Eyal Levit, Tamar Klein, Emil Bader, Israel Hess, Ido Levit, Miri Kapitolino, Shai Wohl, Yaela Sklar, Hadar Lavie, Leo Liberman.

Future Shaon Horef events:
13.2 on Shushan, Koresh, Yaffo, Yanai, Ben Shetach, Shlomtzion and Ben Sira Streets. Click here for the list of events, times, and addresses.
20.2 on Havatzelet, Yaffo, Heleni HaMalka, Aristobulus, Horkenus, Rivlin, Yosef Donas and Yoel Moshe Salomon. Click here for the full program and map.
27.2 on Aza, Ben Maymon, Ha’Ari, Balfour, Metudela, Radak and Abarbanel Streets.