Tel Aviv Dance 2009: Mamootot


One of the privileges of writing about dance is the opportunity to see dance performed in the intimacy of the studio. The distance between performers and audience is all but non-existent, every breath and glance visible, the intensity of the experience incomparable. Ohad Naharin’s “Mamootot,” performed by the Batsheva Dance Company from October 31 – November 4th, opens that experience to all audiences.

 “Mamootot” is performed in studio Varda of the Batsheva Company at the Suzanne Dellal Center in Tel Aviv, the audience seated on benches set around the four walls, with the dance taking place in the center of the room. It is a demanding work for both audience and dancers. Technical virtuosity alone cannot sustain such a piece, its emotional intensity relies on dancers with powerful personalities, and the Batsheva Company never disappoints. Created in 2003, this week will be the only opportunity to see the work this season, as part of “Tel Aviv Dance.”

Mamootot/Photo: Gadi Dagon
Mamootot/Photo: Gadi Dagon

 Seeing “Matmootot” is an unforgettable experience.

October 31 – November 1 at 21:00

Studio Varda, Suzanne Dellal Center

Tickets: 03-5104037

 Image credit: Gadi Dagon