Titanium to Open Madridance at Suzanne Dellal

Nuevo Ballet Español - Titanium/Photo courtesy of PR
Nuevo Ballet Español – Titanium/Photo courtesy of PR

Nuevo Ballet Español, under the artistic direction of choreographers Angel Rojas & Carlos Rodriguez, will be returning to Israeli with their new work Titanium, opening the Madridance Festival, with performances on July 16 & 17, 2013.

Let’s find out more about Titanium from the choreographers!

Midnight East: You’ll be coming to Israel with Titanium, which is described as a combination of flamenco and hip hop. At first glance, these two dance genres appear to be very different. Flamenco has such a rich and long history, while Hip Hop is a relatively new genre. How do you view these genres and what inspired you to create Titanium?

Angel Rojas & Carlos Rodriguez: Both genres were born in the street as a way of expression for people who had the need to communicate themselves through improvised movements, music and aesthetics which were creating a new and own style.

The expressive potential of both dance styles as a tool to enrich each genre inspired us to create this show.

ME: What can audiences expect from Titanium? How do you combine the two genres?

AR & CR: We would like to attract a young audience fond of urban dance and usual flamenco audience. Titanium fuses flamenco, hip hop and break dance.

ME: Flamenco has a very distinct look and conjures certain images in the imagination, as does hip hop. How did you conceive of the ‘look’ for Titanium?

AR & CR: We have conceived the look for Titanium as futuristic, modern, timeless, surprising for different audiences…

Nuevo Ballet Español - Titanium/Photo courtesy of PR
Nuevo Ballet Español – Titanium/Photo courtesy of PR

ME: For the non-experts, what are the differences between Spanish dancing, Flamenco dancing and Flamenco baile?

AR & CR: Spanish dancing is a dance discipline while flamenco comes up from spontaneity.

ME: What are your own dance backgrounds?

AR & CR: We both are Spanish classic dancers. We approach our work together thanks to our affinity, discipline and respect for each other.

ME: How would you describe your vision for Nuevo Ballet Español?

AR & CR: Our work began in 1996 and we continue sharing the same philosophy, based on the search for a different way of understanding movement, creation, scenic approach, lighting and sound space.

ME: You are returning to Israel, having performed Cambio de Tercio here in the summer of 2010. Do you find that the Israeli audience relates differently to your work than your “home audience” in Madrid?

AR & CR: Not really. We think this show is made for an international audience. Both Israel and Spain are Mediterranean.

ME: While you are in Israel, will you be making some time for travel and fun? Any special places you’ll be exploring?

AR & CR: Unfortunately we will no have time enough to travel. But we hope we can enjoy Tel Aviv beach.

See them in action on July 16 & 17, 2013 at the Suzanne Dellal Centre at 21:00. Tickets are 150/180, and may be ordered online, or call: 03-5105656.