Kipod Zahav Awards 2014

Just Before It.../Photo: Graciella Haychenko
Just Before It…/Photo: Graciella Haychenko

The Kipod Zahav (Golden Hedgehog) Fringe Theatre Awards ceremony took place on November 14, 2014, at the Jaffa Theatre. Rina Yerushalmi and Ruth Ziv-Eyal were honored with Lifetime Achievement Awards.

Kipod Zahav Awards 2014:

Best Play
Just Before It… – Shlomi Center for Alternative Theatre, directed by Pablo Zaltzman and Sagit Damit

The City/Photo: Yuden Abadi
The City/Photo: Yuden Abadi

Best Director
Amit Ullman – The City – Incubator Theatre
Yehezkel Lazarov – Igloo – Tmuna Theatre

Igloo/Photo: Daniel Kaminsky
Igloo/Photo: Daniel Kaminsky

Best Playwright
Victor Jackson’s Performing Ensemble for The City – Incubator Theatre

Best Actor
Avi Golomb in At Home at the Zoo – Jaffa Theatre

Best Actress
Yael Brenfeld in Abandoned Property – Notzar Theatre

Best Supporting Actor
George Askander in Umm – Jaffa Theatre
Yossi Segal in 50-60-70 – Negev Theatre

Best Supporting Actress
Avia Brosh in Abandoned Property – Notzar Theatre

Best solo performer
Natalie Zuckerman in The Other Body – Tmuna Theatre

Best Adaptation
Yael Kremensky – Passport – Eve productions

Best Set Design
Avi Shichvi – Son of the Last Jew – Beer Sheva Fringe Theatre

Best Costume Design
Shira Weiss – Borot – Tmuna Theatre

Best Lighting Design
Yair Vardi – Borot – Tmuna Theatre

Best Composer
Omer Mor – The City – Incubator Theatre

Best Ensemble Performance
The City – Incubator Theatre

Best Stage Language
Prichat Hahadarim (The Citrus Blossoms) – Tmuna Theatre