Batsheva Dancers Create: PORCH

Porch/Photo: Gleb Volkov
Porch/Photo: Gleb Volkov

Batsheva Dancers Create, an opportunity for the talented dancers of Batsheva to show their stuff as choreographers and artists, will be presented in its 12th edition with Porch, an evening created by the dancers of the Batsheva Ensemble. The evening’s program will include a dance performance in Varda Hall at Suzanne Dellal, and a pop-up art gallery in the Dalia Studio with works created by the dancers.

Wednesday, June 24th at 19:00 Program A and 21:00 Program B; Thursday, June 25th at 22:30 Program A; Friday, June 26th at 14:00 Program B;  Saturday, June 27th at 19:00 Program B and 21:00 Program A.  The show is about 80 – 90 minutes long, tickets are 55 NIS. Additional information is available on the Batsheva Dance Company website.