Poets Festival Metula 2021

Poets Festival Metula/Photo: Nir Shaanani

The 24th Poets Festival in Metula, a flagship production of the Confederation House, will take place from July 1 – 3, 2021. Following last year’s online festival, this year the festival will gladly return to its home in Northern Israel, celebrating poetry live and in person. All festival events are open to the public, free of charge, but advance registration is required according to Tav Yarok guidelines.

Some festival highlights:

Natan Zach/Photo: Dina Goneh

A tribute to the poet Nathan Zach (1930 – 2020) with the participation of Israel Prize recipients Erez Bitton, Meir Weiseltier, Nurit Zarhi, and Dan Miron, the poets Roni Somekh and Aggie Mishol, and Literature Professor Ariel Hirschfeld.

The Aviv Prize will be awarded to Aharon Shabtai, for his lifelong achievements as a poet and translator of Classical Greek Literature.

The poet Miron C. Izakson will lead a poetry marathon on Parashat HaShavua – “Bein HaMeitzarim” – all through the night.

A B Yehoshua will read excerpts from the new novella he is currently writing, and will discuss his latest novel The Only Daughter with Israel Prize recipient and researcher of literature Dan Miron.

Nurit Zarhi/Photo: Muki Schwartz

Iftah Aloni, Lilach Lachman, Ariel Hirschfeld, Maya Weinberg and Orin Rosner will participate in a tribute to Israel Prize recipient, the poet Nurit Zarhi.

Leading poets, including Tahel Frosh, Sigal Ben Yair, Orit Gidly and Orly Assis, will discuss the female experience in contemporary poetry.

A ‘hidden’ play written by Yona Wollach was discovered in her archive by Oded Carmelly and Shani Poker, who will participate in a discussion of the play.

Hedva Harchavi/Photo: Iris Nesher

Celebrating the 80th birthday of the poet Hedva Harchavi, the festival will host an encounter with the interpreters of her poetry – Ariel Hirschfeld and Lilach Lahman, at which the poet will also read from her work.

Festival events will be accompanied by the musicians Israel Bright, Hadara Levin Areddy and Assaf Meir, who will perform songs of poets, and the actor Doron Tavory, who will participate in poetry readings.

The full festival program is available on the Confederation House website: http://www.confederationhouse.org; or call: 02-5399360 ext. 5. Festival Director is Effie Benaya, and its Artistic Directors are Benny Ziffer and Shiri Lev Ari.

***UPDATE*** New dates have been announced: Following the postponement from the original dates of May 16 – 18, The Poets Festival in Metula will take place from July 1 – 3, 2021.