OZEN – Sub Culture Center


The Ozen (Ha Ozen HaShlishit – The Third Ear) – a cultural landmark that has been a meeting place and treasure trove for music lovers and film aficionados for the past 35 years, is moving in a new direction with the launching of the OZEN – Sub Culture Center. Celebrating the launch in their newly renovated space, the Ozen will host four nights of music performances, panel discussions, and parties from April 20 – 23, 2022.  Performers will include: Gilad Kahana, Red Band, Aya Zahavi Feiglin, Shekel, Tzlil Danin, Corinne Allal, SAZ, WC, and more…

Gilad Kahana/Photo: Had Ayin

The Third Ear was founded by Miki Dotan in 1987. Originally established near the Maariv Bridge, the alternative record store/pub soon moved to Shenkin Street, and after a sojourn there, moved to its current location on 48 King George Street in 2005. A hub for the music scene, The Third Ear is the place to go for those hard-to-find vinyls and CDs, as well as newly released music, films, and live shows. Its new renovation and launch of the OZEN – Sub Culture Center marks the beginning of a new direction, with an emphasis on creating a cultural center for musicians, artists, and music lovers.

The four-day festival will open on Wednesday, April 20th with a free event featuring Red Band performing in the record store, Gilad Kahana in a new live electronic show, and a special edition of Blues & Booz. Doors open at 19:30, advance registration required.

Thursday, April 21st – Hila Ruah at 20:15 and Corinne Allal at 21:00. Doors open at 19:30, tickets are 80 NIS.

Corinne Allal/Photo: Chen Li Fishman

Friday, April 22nd – Afternoon chill with DJs, cocktails, and discussion panels – Riot, Hip Hop & Queer music culture, social activism & more… Tickets are 20 NIS (which will be donated to LGBTQ non-profit).

Saturday, April 23rd – a marathon of live performances from noon onwards on two stages. Aya Zahavi Feiglin, WC, Tzlil Danin & Shekel, Nitzan Vardi, Sababa 5, TAPASH. Doors open at 12:00, tickets are 60 NIS. A big Mimouna celebration will take place from 20:00 with Liron Amram & the Panthers and Abu Gosh. Tickets are 30 NIS.

Updates & additional information may be found on the OZEN website: www.ozentlv.com