Goethe Institute Evening in Memory of Christa Wolf

Christa Wolf

The Goethe Institute Tel Aviv will hold an evening in memory of author Christa Wolf, who died on December 1, 2011 at the age of 82. Klaus Krischok, Director of the Goethe Institute in Tel Aviv, will host the evening on Thursday, January 19, 2012 at 19:00. There will be a screening of a film on Christa Wolf (German with Hebrew subtitles), readings from her works in German, and conversations with Angelica Tim and others who knew Christa Wolf in English and German.

Literary critic, novelist and essayist, Christa Wolf’s writing reflects the events of her time – the Nazi regime, communism, feminism, the nuclear debate and other issues, from the perspective of an individual who never ceases to reflect, observe, and engage, honestly and directly, yet with compassion. Her books include: Der geteilte Himmel (Divided Heaven 1963); Nachdenken über Christa T. (The Quest for Christa T. 1968); Kindheitsmuster (Patterns of Childhood) (1976); Kein Ort. Nirgends ( No Place On Earth 1979); Kassandra (Cassandra 1983); Störfall (Accident 1987); Medea (1996); and Auf dem Weg nach Tabou (On the Way to Taboo 1994); Leibhaftig (In the Flesh 2003); Ein Tag im Jahr: 1960-2000 (One Day a Year; 2003); Stadt der Engel Oder the Overcoat of Doctor Freud (City of Angels or the Overcoat of Doctor Freud 2010).

The event is open to the public and entrance is free, please register in advance at this number: 03-6060500. For additional information, write to: info@telaviv.goesthe.org. The Goethe Institute, Asia House, 4 Weizmann Street, Tel Aviv.