TREE – Concert & Their New Single Sunshine


Sunshine – yes! Sunshine & music, I love it. TREE will be releasing their new single Sunshine on September 4th with a twist: 7 inch vinyls made especially for the occasion will be sold at the concert.

A psychedelic rock band – think Grateful Dead/Pink Floyd/Led Zeppelin – TREE (Nave Koren drums & spirit, Dor Koren bass & vocals, Ben Golan guitar & vocals and Yair Vermut organs & vocals) have a warm energy that really comes through in their new single Sunshine – can’t wait to hear it live! In the meantime, check out their music on the TREE website & facebook page!

Dor Koren – TREE/Photo: Ayelet Dekel

When & where: September 4th, The Barby, 52 Kibbutz Galuyot Street, Tel Aviv, doors open at 21:30. 03-5188123. Tickets can be ordered online click here


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