Liliyot Bakery – Design Fair May 6, 2011


Lilyot Bakery has a sweet experience in store for visitors this Friday, May 6, 2011 – a design fair with jewelry from Meydalle, Sharshula, Adi Sadeh, and Lee Bonk; Sivik handbags and baby items, and Oaky home designs.

Liliyot Bakery is a boutique kosher pastry shop and café, but it is also much more. Liloyot Restaurant works in collaboration with Elem – the non-profit organization for youth at risk, integrating business with social action, employing and training 15 young people each year. With the opening of Liliyot Bakery, this program was expanded to include training in baking and pastry making.

Purchase design items at the fair and receive a discount on bakery goods; purchase baked goods and receive a discount on the items for sale at the fair. The designer fair will take place from 9:00 – 15:00 on Friday, May 6, 2011. Liliyot Bakery, Asia House, 4 Weizmann Street, Tel Aviv, 03-6965658.